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UCLA Umbilical Cord Blood Bank Website The mission of the UCLA Umbilical Cord Blood Bank is to support patients in need of a bone marrow transplant by banking umbilical cord blood from a variety of ethnic groups with continuing quality improvement and in an environment that fosters research. | |
Cord Blood Banking Guide A complete resource and guide to cord blood banking. Review and compare private cord blood banks to find the best match for your family. | |
National Cord Blood Program NYBC's National Cord Blood Program and its Milstein National Cord Blood Center remains the world's oldest and largest single public cord blood bank. We collect, process, test and store cord blood that is donated to us for use by anyone who might need it. | |
Cord Blood Banking and Research - Viacord Unlike companies that only preserve cord blood, ViaCord is the only cord blood banking company that is also a recognized leader in cord blood research. | |
Cord Blood Collection - Frequently Asked Questions Cord blood collection bank frequently asked questions by expecting parents. | |
SELECT: Storage of Umbilical Cord Blood - Banking - B01 Storing your baby’s cord blood with a private company means that you own and are entitled to use the cord blood. There is a price tag that comes along with this ownership. Fees vary greatly between banks, ranging anywhere from $250 to $1,800 for the initial collection fee. There is then a yearly storage fee that ranges from $50 to $100. | |
Cloning Fact Sheet What is cloning? Why clone? Facts and links to resources about cloning. | |
CorCell: Umbilical Cord Blood Banking, Storage, Stem Cell Bank & Preservation CorCell is a licensed and accredited private cord blood banking company who has been dedicated to and deeply rooted in stem cell preservation since 1996. Please visit our site today for answers to your questions. | |
Berkeley Parents Network: Cord Blood Banking We provide unbiased and competent information about all options for cord blood to present balanced education about cord blood banking. | |
A Guide to Cord Blood Banking Cord blood bank facility is being provided by both private and public centers. In a public cord blood banking center, the cord blood that is donated is tissue typed and added to a public database, where it is visible for any hospital facility to request for it in case of a need. The services are generally free of charge. | |
BMT and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant - National Cancer Institute A fact sheet that explains the step-by-step procedures of two types of transplantations used with high-dose chemotherapy, including their risks and benefits. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 7.41. | |
A Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Banking is an information resource for parents considering banking their children's cord blood. | |
Welcome to the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of BC Information on the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia in Canada, located at the Vancouver General Hospital and the BC Cancer Agency. You will also find information about leukemia and related blood diseases, treatment, support, and additional online resources. | |
ScienceDaily: New Cord Blood Stem Cell Identified: Discovery Suggests Potential Treatment For Regene Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School have discovered a new population of cells in human umbilical cord blood that have properties of primitive stem cells. | |
Stem Cell Therapies Today Perhaps the best-known stem cell therapy to date is the bone marrow transplant, which is used to treat leukemia and other types of cancer, as well as various blood disorders. | |
NOVA Online | Life's Greatest Miracle | The Stem-Cell Debate Stem-cell research has enormous potential value in both medical and commercial terms. Stem cells are the progenitors of all specialized cells in the body. Blood stem cells (hematopoietic cells) reside in bone marrow and continuously produce a variety of blood and immune system cells. | |
Stem Cell Topic: The Stem Cell Debate: Ethical Questions The story for the year 1997 was the cloning controversy, the public debate over cloning human beings. Ian Wilmut, the laboratory midwife to the world famous sheep, Dolly, never intended to clone a human being. | |
Compare Cord Blood Banking Compare top cord blood banking providers and learn how saving your child's cord blood can benefit your family in the case of an emergency. | |
MiracleCord - Umbilical Cord Blood Bank MiracleCord - A leading Umbilical Cord Blood Bank is committed to providing your family with the highest margin of stem cell recovery using the safest, most reliable collection, transport, processing and storage technologies. | |
Cancer and Blood Diseases | Bone Marrow Transplant | Leukemia Treatment Options The UCSF Children's Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant Program provides transplantation for high-risk leukemia patients in first remission when a matched donor is available. In very high-risk patients, such as patients with leukemia who fail to achieve first remission with chemotherapy, an unrelated donor transplant can be done as soon as remission is achieved. | |
Cord Blood Establishing a National Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Program | |
Cord Blood Society of Canada The Cord Blood Society of Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information about umbilical cord blood banking. | |
Welcome to the Vincent Obstetrics & Gynecology Services at Mass General Hospital Dones says her story emphasizes the need to bolster cord blood supplies within the public cord blood network. Currently, only a handful of hospitals across the country are equipped to handle public cord blood donations. The option to pay tohave your own child's cord blood stored for personal use, meanwhile, is not only widely available, but competitive. | |
Private Cord Blood Banking Facilities Provides phone and URL contact information for private cord blood banking facilities in Canada and the United States. | |
National Marrow Donor Program Information and resources for donors, patients and physicians about bone marrow and cord blood transplants and the latest news about the National Marrow Donor Program. | | Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing your child's umbilical cord blood in order to use the stem cells contained within that blood. Many people are confused as to just what stem cells are and how they can help you. | |
NIH Stem Cell Information The Promise of Stem Cells | |
Stem cell and bone marrow transplants : Cancerbackup Information about bone marrow and stem cell transplants, including what they are, how it is done, particular types of transplant such as allogeneic and autologous, high dose treatment, graft versus host disease and side effects. | |
Stem Cell Research News Stem cells, which are often referred to as one of the body's "master cells," can grow into any one of the body's more than 200 cell types. Stem cells assist the body in maintaining, renewing and repairing tissue and cells damaged by disease, injury and everyday life. Stem Cell Research News is a website dedicated to providing information about usages and the science behind stem cells. | |